The Designer

The Designer
   As the designer develops his idea into finished plans for a machine, he must bring into play an extensive knowledge of subjects that may be roughly classified as; Technical factors, Experience factors and the Human factors.
   The technical information necessary to design a machine varies with the type and field of application; and no one designer can become expert in all types of design. However, an understanding of mechanisms, mechanics, structures, materials, mechanical processes, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electrical circuits, and similar technical subjects is essential to every type of design. Since the stresses and the deflections in all parts of a machine cannot always be accurately determined, the designer is forced to rely upon experimental data. The ability to analyze and use of experimental data is a very important characteristic of the designer.

   The design experience and knowledge of existing designs are essential to a thorough understanding of machine design, but previous design should not be considered in any way that would hinder the designer's creative ability. The young designer will find unlimited fields for original ideas. The designer needs not only technical experience but also experience in the conduct of business  and a knowledge of commerce and economics.
   The human element is receiving more and more attention in the design room. There has been considerable study leading to the simplification of the operating controls and to a reduction of the physical effort necessary  to operate the machine. Automation has required a dominant influence in the industrial world. To improve his knowledge of the human element, the designer should acquire the habit of discussing problems with engineers, technicians, salesmen, operators, mechanics, and even unskilled labor, since the different viewpoints will always help-in developing well-balanced designs.
   The designer uses mathematics, graphical methods, experimental stress analysis, dimensional analysis, statistical analysis, models, laboratory testing, and thought.


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