Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook

Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook  8th Edition

The field's definitive reference for more than half a century-updated for the first time in more than a decade Since 1934,Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook has delivered unrivaled, state-of-the-art coverage of all aspects of chemical engineering-from the fundamentals to details on computer applications and control.Featuring 2,400 pages and 700 illustrations, the eighth edition is a comprehensive source for the newest developments, advances, achievements, and methods inthe field. 

Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook , 7th Edition
Certain to take its place as the most comprehensive and authoritative reference source available to chemical engineers, this up-to-date guide retains the broad coverage of all classical engineering topics and provides information on principles, design and equipment plus data essential for performing calculations and solving design problems. It also offers new coverage of waste treatment and biochemical engineering, and other modern topics.
Sales of over 139,000 copies of the previous edition confirm this source as the leading chemical engineering handbook. This seventh edition is completely updated and includes new topics such as biochemical engineering, waste management, plant safety, analysis of plant performance, and handling of hazardous materials.
This is a major revision of the definitive handbook in the field of chemical engineering. It provides facts, figures, methods and data needed for solving the wide range of problems engineers face in the chemical process industries. In addition to necessary updating, revising and reorganization throughout, the Seventh Edition will include new material on biochemical engineering, waste management, plant safety and analysis of plant performance, computer applications, expert systems, material and energy balances, gas- and liquid-phase pulsation dampeners, the LIST reactor, and handling of hazardous materials. SI units of measure are used throughout.

See more:  Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook  7th Edition


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